Teaching Series

Why Read the Bible? – Day 7 of 32 – Guide to our Path

Today’s Scripture:  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  – Psalm 119:105


The last few days, I have barely been able to get through the introduction, and I had the Holy Spirit let me know that we were going to go the way He wanted us to go…and for good reason.  The last few days, I’ve written about how the Bible has lost it’s place in the church as the cornerstone of every pulpit in America.  I wrote about how it used to be the cornerstone of American families, and that if we wanted to stop the moral decay of our nation’s families that we needed to start by bringing the Word of God back into the homes and not as home décor for our cocktail tables, but actually implementing a family devotional time complete with prayer, worship, and Bible study…together.  Let me add that this family devotional time ought to be separate from our own personal devotional time.  Don’t cheat God, and don’t cheat yourselves by thinking that the only time you need to spend in the Word of God apart from church is that half-hour a day devotional time with your family.

No, friends, we need a Word of God revival in our homes and in our churches.  That’s the ONLY way this nation is going to turn around.  It’s not going to be done from the top down.  Almost all the politicians at the state and local level are fools because they have said in their hearts that there is no God, and if they haven’t said that then they are ashamed to proclaim Jesus before men…and you all know what Jesus says about that.  If we are ashamed of Him before the world…He will be ashamed of us before His Father.  If we deny Him before the world…He will deny us before God.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Jesus denying me…so I’m going to be one of those who is unashamed of my relationship with Jesus.

Yesterday, I wrote about how the church has lost it’s passion for the Word of God, and I’ll be darned if Evangelist Josh Radford didn’t preach on that same thing…only he said that the church has turned it’s back upon the Holy Ghost…and the only difference is…none.  The Holy Ghost’s ministry is to confirm the Word of God.  His whole purpose is to lead and guide us into all truth.  Well…what can be more all truth than the Word of the Lord?

So…I am encouraged by that because what that let’s me know is that I was indeed hearing from the Holy Spirit…and I hope that you’ve enjoyed the last couple messages.  Today, however, we bring it back home to front street…and we’re going to talk about the Word of God in how it relates to us.

Today’s Message:

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  Y’all ever tried to find your way around in a dark room?  It can be quite fearful, and maybe a bit comical can’t it?  You feel your way around for stuff…”is that the coffee table”.  Has anyone ever lived in a really dark house like me and counted the steps?  However, have you ever noticed also that the slightest bit of light will guide you?  You may not be able to see everything, but you can see just enough to navigate your way to where your going.

The Word of God is just like that night-light.  You know, as I continue to grow in my relationship with God, and walk with the Lord the one thing I have learned is that it’s not an easily navigated path to walk down.  That’s why we need the light of the Word of God to direct our paths.  How many times do we read that we are to trust the Lord and He will direct our paths, our steps, and our journey?  You see, the Bible, friends is our night-light.

Let’s face it.  I’m sure you’ve found out like I have that just because you’re a Christian it doesn’t mean everything is rosy, and that there’s nothing impeding your pathway to your destiny.  In fact, I’m sure you’ve found just like I have that it’s the exact opposite.  There’s always going to be opposition.   There’s always going to be times where the Lord is going to lead you down a path that’s not very well lit…and the only way that those path’s can be safely navigated is by sticking with the Word of God.

When I started writing these messages they weren’t very good.  There were a lot of spelling errors, grammatical errors, and I can be honest…some of those messages were hard reads.  However, the more I’ve been doing this the better my messages are becoming, and the reason for that is because the Word of God is illuminating the path.  Instead of relying upon my own abilities or anything like that I am relying solely upon the Lord and the Holy Spirit for direction.

When this series is nearing the end I’ll begin to seek the Lord for direction for the next series.  Why?  I don’t want to do anything with this ministry that isn’t ordered by the Lord.  The Bible says the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord.  I want every message, every series, and everything I write to be ordered by the Lord.  After all, this ministry is about HIM.

I couldn’t have a ministry with the name “Christlike” Ministries…and not have it be about the Word of God…because Jesus is the Word.  I wouldn’t have anything to write about if it wasn’t for the Word of God.  Sure I could make up a commentary, but I don’t want to do that.  I want to be authentic.  I want God’s Word spoken, I want the name of Jesus to be glorified, and I want God to get the praise for this ministry.

You know, I had a long one-sided discussion with the Lord yesterday morning while I was running my route for Krispy Kreme.  I was talking to Him about how I think sometimes people make ministry too complicated.  There are people who are called to be out on the front-lines God bless them.  There are people who are called to stand up and preach to congregations, auditoriums, and huge crowds.  There are people who are called to have their name on the church signs, and be known.  However, there are people like me who realize that we do our best work behind the scenes…and that’s what this ministry is…this is what we do.

We’re about helping people to develop their own personal relationship and walk with God.  We’re an Ephesians 4 kind of ministry…equipping the saints.  That’s what we’re about.  However, it’s good sometimes to have the path of your life illuminated by the Word of the Lord.  Josh Radford came, and we had a week of Evangelism training…and I was reminded of how important the Great Commission is…and that one of the things Paul taught was that all can evangelize…but not all are evangelists.  All of us can do the work of an evangelist without having the title of an evangelist.

I know I am called to be a pastor, but I’m the pastor of Christlike Ministries NWA.  I still have a role to play in the great commission.  I am still called to share the gospel, and be a soul-winner for Jesus.  Those are just some of the things that the Word of God has been a light to my path about.

What kinds of things do you need the light of God’s Word for in your life?  My friend, you’re not going to turn the light on until you open your Bibles.  Our Bibles are like refrigerator lights.  The light doesn’t come on until you open the door.  The Bible is the same way.  It cannot light our path until we open it up and start reading.  If you need some direction…get out your Bible…and ask the Lord to show you…He will…I promise He will.  I know that because that happened in my life.

Interactive Study Questions:

I don’t have much of an introduction for today’s questions, but here they are.

  1. Why does God want to guide us?
  2. Does a lamp cast light miles ahead?
  3. What does this say about God’s guidance in our lives?

Conclusion & Prayer:

I kind of liked the little illustration that the Lord just dropped in my spirit about the Bible being like a refrigerator light.  I remember as a child I was curious one time.  I remember how I’d open it a little, and close it little by little…but could never figure out why the light would go out or what happened once the door was closed.  Now I know there is a button that causes the light to go out.  Isn’t God awesome…I got more to this illustration.

That’s kind of what we do with the Bible.  As baby and immature believers we are kind of like that curious kid that wants to know what happens to the light in the refrigerator.  Only, with the Bible we sample a little of the light of the Word of God in our lives, and when it goes out we search all around everything else…except in the Bible for the reason the light went out.  Mature believers know that to have the light of God’s Word on their lives all the time…they have to spend time reading the Word all the time.  The Bible has to be an open source for their lives…but so many of us open it and close it…and we never really understand why God’s Word isn’t making our paths more visible.  It’s because we’re walking around in the dark trying to feel our way…instead of letting the light of God’s Word show us the way.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet…and a light unto my path.

Lord, we thank You for the illuminating power of Your Word.  It has the power to lead and guide us in all areas of life.  Help us, Lord God, to not allow the light of Your Word to be shut off, but turn on…and turned on brighter and brighter.  Give us, Lord, the wisdom You offer without limit.  Give us the understanding and knowledge in the revelation of You…most of all Lord…give us a hunger, passion, and fire for Your Word in our lives.  Help us, Father God, to restore the Word of God to it’s rightful place in our personal lives, our families, our churches, and one day…hopefully again this great nation.  Raise up men & women of God who aren’t ashamed of Your Word, who still believe in the Old Paths, and preach with fire like Josh did this morning.

Lord, bless Josh Radford’s ministry.  Continue to give him passion, fire, and an overflowing indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Protect him, Lord God, from those that would seek to bring scandal into his ministry.  Protect him, Jesus, from those who would wrongfully use him, and slander him.  I ask, Father, that You’d raise up more Josh Radford’s and Cass Hill’s and Joel Stockstill’s.

I ask Lord, that You’d help me to be more committed, more separated, more of a servant, more yielded to Your Spirit, and much, much more saturated in Your Spirit, Your Word, and Your presence.  I love You, Jesus…I praise and worship You…Lord God.  I declare that You are my God…and Your Word will be a cornerstone of this ministry…and I ask that should we ever stray away from it…that You’d remove this ministry’s lamp-stand.

I give You all the glory, honor, and praise.  I ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus…Amen & Amen.